
I have seen the Cafe Programme in action. It is a simple idea which has a wonderful effect. The relaxed and informal atmosphere gives parents and carers the chance to be with their children as they learn and to join in as they feel able, without pressure to do anything in particular. Because the pressure to get it right is removed, they typically get a lot right in supporting their children's learning...and the children love it.

The informality helps teachers and others get to know parents and parents to get to enjoy their children enjoying learning. Everyone wins!

Professor Mick Waters

With the help of early years settings, Children’s Centres and schools, we now know of numerous positive mentions of cafés in Ofsted inspection reports.

Highly successful strategies engage all parents and carers in their children's learning. For example, Story Café sessions support families to gain confidence and understanding about how children learn in a fun and informal way.

Pre school Ofsted Report

Successful ‘family cafes’ invite parents to come in to class to share in their children’s education.

School Ofsted inspection report

Through the Café, parents have gained an understanding of how children are taught, particularly mathematics and phonics. As a result, parents are more able to help their children with their learning.

School Ofsted inspection report

Cafes have been introduced through the school to help break down barriers. Parents and the community are enthusiastic about the benefits of the Cafes for parents, children and community tolerance and understanding.

School Ofsted inspection report

I love Tuesdays because it’s Café day and my dad or nanny comes into school to be with me. Dad says he love hearing Mr Williamson read the books to us, especially when he does the silly voices. Nanny loves the things we make and when we get to use the computers


More reading at home? Yes I suppose we do now. It’s not that we didn’t read before, it’s just that we read more often and I feel that I know what to do


The introduction of the Learning Cafes has had a really positive impact on parental engagement and confidence. Parents are excited about what children are learning at school and feel they are more able to support them

Sheringham Teaching School