Cafés for All in early settings and schools
The sharing of knowledge and skills takes place in the informal pop up Café environment created in the school or setting. Cafés take place during the day for a class of pupils and parents from Nursery to Year 6 ( or younger in Children’s Centres).When settings and schools begin using the Cafés for All programme, they start by helping all parents (including those who sometimes find working with schools difficult for a variety of reasons) develop their skills, knowledge and confidence in supporting, at home, children’s development and learning across the curriculum .
The same well-received, simple but effective Café format and structure for the session is used each time and can be varied . Early years settings and schools have been extremely innovative in adapting the model for different purposes, e.g. supporting transition, welcoming new families.
What happens in a Cafés for All session
The format and structure of the Café sessions is a simple, well tested and effective one with key elements being; sociable learning environments, non-threatening activities, modelling of practice, sharing of clear accessible information , empowerment and enjoyment.
The ‘Cafés for All , Sharing Learning’ name and training programme are owned exclusively by A2E2 Education Ltd – Aspiring to Excellence Together and are currently being trademarked and copyrighted ( April 2015).